Wellness Wednesday: Put An Egg On It!

Hello Friends,
Thought I’d share with you my current favorite Go-To-Meal:
I roast loads of veggies and #PutAnEggOnIt
(I’d rock that # bumper sticker)

poached on miso roasted veggies
roast kabocha, sweet potatoes, snap peas & kale in miso dressing
serve cabbage & chickpeas with a bit of miso dressing
“Perfectly Poached” recipe HERE

Miso Dressing: 1/4 cup miso paste, 1 T honey, 1 T sriracha, juice of 1/2 a lime, 1 T mirin, 1 T tamari (serving 4)

roasted in a nest of cauliflower & kale
with lemon zest & chili flakes

seriously, less hands on time than scrambling!
checkout my recipe HERE

baked in a portobello mushroom
with fresh herbs (optional parmesan)

this works wonders in an avocado too

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