Apricot Chutney

Spread on a baguette with chevre for breakfast, a flatbread with gorgonzola for lunch or dollop on vanilla ice cream for dessert

 I made this with the dried apricots I received in a care package from a very special someone living in Holland

For a week I waited by my window like a puppy hoping to be home when the FedEx man arrive.  Then, just as I was about to head out the door to a client’s house, the doorbell rang- Yah! I dropped my purse and ran downstairs to sign for my mystery box.  First of all, receiving anything in the mail (other than bills) is exciting, especially when it’s food… from another country… sent from a wonderful person!

In my mystery box there was apricots, dried figs, and baklava. Baklava is my absolute favorite sweet in the world! I can not be in the same room (house) as baklava and not eat it.  Seriously, I finished 1 kilo in 2 days. Yes, the phyllo did get a little soft during its week long journey, but whatever, it’s packed with pistachios and drenches in butter and honey!  Throw it in the blender and I’d still eat it.  Ok, now I’m salivating.  Enough about that.

One batch makes a lot.  I served it on three occasions this week:
1- My dear friend Mac who lives and works in Baja California, was home for the weekend and we served the chutney with Manchego cheese on crackers
2 – My dear friend Morgan, who currently lives in Switzerland ,came home for a short week visit and on her last night us girls got together for cocktails, laughs, cheese and wine (ingredients for the perfect ladies night!) Here we served the chutney on crostini with chevre.  Morgan served a Parisian cocktail made with Proseccoo, St. Germain and mint leaves from here mom’s garden.  So refreshing!
3 – My dear from Kate who lives in Seattle (we met two years ago while living in Thailand) came to visit and we used the chutney to create a savory, yet sweet, flat bread for dinner. Incredible!  (amazing recipe here).
(love you, miss you, kiss you guys!)

400 grams dried apricots chopped (converter) it was about 3 cups
1 sweet onion chopped
3/4 cup cider vinegar
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup brown sugar (I think, I can’t remember.  It’s up to you how sweet you like it)
cinnamon stick

Combine all the ingredients in a heavy sauce pan
Bring to a boil
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes

Enjoy…in many ways!

Oh, if you want to make this less sweet and more savory swap a red onion for the sweet onion, skip the raisins all together and add chopped garlic

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