Wellness Wednesday: 4 Tips for Healthy Travelers

Weekly Tips on Living Deliciously

Hello Friends,

Traveling and being away from home is the perfect opportunity to rest, replenish and restore your body and mind… not to mention turn off your phone and disconnect!

I’ve just gotten back from a wonderful 3 week trip to New Zealand! You can see our pictures HERE.  

A few of my tips for staying healthy while on the road.

1) Move your body!
Download exercise videos and apps to your phone and iPad. My Favorites are pilates, stretching and abb exercises.  There are SO many free apps out there!  Everyone has 5 minutes….no excuses.
I also encourage you to jog or walk daily.  Not only is this a great way to check out a new city, but it’s a great way to reenergize and clear your mind.
Even something as simple as pushups, squats and planks in your hotel room will get your heart pumpin in just 5 minutes! (try 20 of each exercise 4 times)

2) Order Wisely & Pack Healthy Snacks!
Yes, I pack my own meals for the airplane.  It’s easy and you can too.  Even picking up a salad from the airport is a great option if you’re tight on time.  See what’s in my carry on HERE and watch the VIDEO HERE.
Airplane food is full of salt, nasty additives and factory farmed animal products.

Freeze mini plain Greek yogurt -it got through customs and doubled as an icepack for keeping other items cool 🙂
As far as alcohol goes: Wine or vodka soda (with 1/2 a lime) are healthy options compared to beer and fruity cocktails.
On every menu you can find a BIG SALAD.  Ask for dressing on the side and add a piece of protein (fish, chicken, beans or tofu).  Beware of  anything that includes the words “crispy” “cheesy” “fried” “creamy”
Treat yourself once a day.  Allow yourself to have one splurge a day like french fries, dessert or cheese.
Drink lots of water.

3) Disconnect from media and email!
Seriously.  Turn off your phone.  We don’t bring our phones into the bedroom which I love.  Try starting with just that if you can’t make the full move to turning off your phone for the day.  Or schedule  15-30 minutes a day (that’s it) to check in…but don’t get sucked in.
There is really no better time than when you are traveling because if your VM and email auto response is updated to say “out of the office and will get back to you on —” than you are free to disconnect.

4) Sleep!
Without a million things on your “todo list” – use these extra hours to catch up on some much needed shut-eye.  When you rest, you are giving your body the time it needs to digest, repair and restore.  So not only will you be feeling great the next day, but you won’t be feeling the need for that 4pm pick-me-up cookie and coffee.

Life Balance:
As I’m sure you can imagine, taking 3 weeks off (fully) from work was a bit stressful for me, especially because while I’m not working my business essentially stops.  The first few days (like during any shift in life) were the hardest for me.  The feeling of  “I don’t deserve this time off” and “there are emails and work I should be doing” haunted me.  But I reminded myself, “I’ve hustled and worked hard so that I we can enjoy these moments with the people I love, doing the things that make me happy (hiking, wine tasting, experiencing foreign cultures!)”
My dear friend Sarah Jenks put it perfectly here “How to Hustle and Flow”

A few great healthy traveling tips from Women’s Fitness Australia, HERE

And if you’re new here, check out  My Meal Delivery Service:
Every week I create 5 recipes based on what’s in season and available locally. 
The meals are gluten free, vegetarian, organic and absolutely delicious!
You can checkout last week’s menu here, I deliver to client’s in SF every Monday night.
I make everything from scratch and do not use pre-made gluten free crusts or tarts.  For example, these cauliflower crust pizzas and cornmeal zucchini tarts are all made with ingredients you can find in the bulk aisle at Whole Foods.  Shoot me an email if you’re interested in getting on my private mailing list for meal delivery.

Hemp Hearts,


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