Happy Day 6… To A New You!

What a beautiful day is SF!
I hope everyone else got to enjoy the sunshine!

After a wonderful afternoon spent in the park with a few of my best friends (since middle school!) I realized I don’t do this nearly enough.
It is so easy to get caught up in our crazy hectic lives and forget to stop, relax, take a “time out” and breeeeeath.

Today’s Tip:
How to find your zen… everyday

And don’t forget to SCROLL DOWN to TODAY’S RECIPES!

A to ZEN
A avoid negative sources, people and places
B believe in yourself and take a deep breath
C candles and bubble baths
D dress up and don’t give up
E eat your veggies and your cake too
F family and friends are treasures
G green food and green practices
H hug more
I inspire
J judge success by your goals accomplished
K keep your head up and carry on
L laugh and have fun
M meditate and make love often, preferably not at the same time 🙂
N never lie, cheat or steal
O open your arms to opportunity
P practice acts of peace
Q quality not quantity
R rest often and sleep regularly
S schedule “relax” time
T take your lunch outside, enjoy fresh air and sun
U understand yourself in order to understand others better
V vitamins
W walk more
X exercise
Y you are wonderful and unique, no one can replace you
Z zzz get lots of sleep

Oatmeal Horchata with Chia Seeds

Another great example of something you can make ahead and just add the almond milk before enjoying.
I just made this up, don’t be technical with the quantities, do what tastes good to you.  You can’t go wrong here. Combine almond milk, vanilla and and almond extract to taste.  Combine 1/4 cup oats, 2 T chia seeds and cinnamon.  Mix wet and dry together. Give it a few minutes to thicken.  I make a batch of this on Sunday (1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup chia) and keep it in the fridge for breakfast pudding all week!

We picked up snacks at a neighborhood store
Veggies and Hummus.  Fruit, manchego and wine
Vanessa made a great spinach salad with chickpeas, tomatoes and kalamatas

Thai Green Curry and Shrimp
5 minutes to a beautiful dinner
Cook shrimp and curry paste for a couple minutes then add almond milk
Bring to a simmer.  Add cabbage, carrots, bok choy and spinach.  Simmer covered for 2 minutes.

Taking my own advice:
After the park I caught the last couple hours of sun on my roof with Women, Work and the Art of Savoir Faire
Writing this with candles and wine
What tomorrow will look like!
She kept crawling in for our lunch!


Alex is beautiful on the outside and inside!

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