Cape Cod vs East Cape, Baja

Cape Cod and the East Cape, Baja are so similar, yet ooooh so different.  With less than 24 hours in between trips (just enough time to switch suitcases in my trunk) I went from one extreme to the next.  Well, in my eyes it was extreme.  I’m not the type who sails in Nantucket nor sleeps next to bondfires.  Though I must say, they’re both lifestyles I feel very comfortable in!  Especially the latter. All in all I had a wonderful 3 weeks and I’d like to thank my friends for their hospitality and love.

Thinking the best way to document this summer is through pics representing the contrasts:

Sleeping Quarters


Seafood Soup

Home Office

Sunrise over water


Organic Farming

Fancy-pants cocktails:  kale martini, quinoa vodka.  Riiiidiculous 🙂

Seafood  and Beer on a hot summer day

Lunch at Pier

Morning jog.  “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks” John Muir

Follow your heart and your dreams will manifest into reality…go on…now’s the time.


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