A Whole New Toad In A Hole

Since I was a little kiddo my favorite breakfast has been Toad In A Hole.
It’s simply an egg cooked inside a piece of bread and not only is it as cute as can be, but you have your toast right there, ready to soak up the yolkness!

Now that I have aged a bit and acquired a more, well, sophisticated pallet, I thought it was time to make a few tweaks.
I added 2 of my favorite ingredients: avocado and sheep’s feta cheese
I used gluten free bread, obviously :o) and feel free to experiment with different types of cheese, I know I will.  A sharp cheddar would be awesome with the avocado.

(I was inspired here)
Serves 2
2 eggs
2 pieces of sliced bread
Butter for spreading on the bread
2 T cheese

You will need:
A cookie cutter, or something to make a cut out in the bread.  OH how cute would heart shaped ones be on Valentines Day!?

Make sure your goat cheese is soft and ready to spread or already sliced
Cookie cutter a hole into the bread, reserve to toast with breakfast, or if you are impatient like me, eat it while you are waiting for your egg to cook.
Lightly butter both sides of the bread
Place the bread in a hot pan and gently break an egg into the hole
cook for about 2 minutes
In the meantime, slice your avocado
carefully flip the Toad In A Hole and gently spread the cheese on the toast
Cover the pan with a lid for 1-2 minutes
Nicely place the avocado on top
Cover again for about 1 minutes, just to warm the avocado
Carefully place on plates and top with fresh pepper and coarse sea salt
Adjust cooking times depending on how runny you like your eggs.  This left them still runny as you can see.

For Valentines Day I’m doing this!
As seen on Domesticated blog

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