Fuel for the Plane: Packing Snacks for the Road

Which means lots of temptations in airport snack shops.
Stay healthy while on the road by packing your own munchies.

For 1 month I’m living out of the same suitcase:
1 week sailing in Nantucket
10 days in Todos Santo, Baja
2 weeks house/pet-sitting a hamster, cat & great dane

6 heart healthy foods in my carry-on

Homemade Instant Oatmeal.  Fruit with a peel incase it rolls out onto the airport floor.
Baked sweet potato.  Avocado.  Hard boiled egg.  Dates filled with almond butter and sprinkled with chia seeds

I always pack my own instant oatmeal (pictured above):
oats, raisins, almonds, coconut and cinnamon
Just ask the flight attendant for a glass of boiling water.  mix. wait. enjoy.

I recommend these packaged foods.
All provide lots of nutrients, vitamins and are minimally processed

If you always stock your pantry with these basics then packing for the road is simple

Staying healthy can be tough while traveling.  There are times when you may not see any thing fresh and not from a package for hours, maybe even all day!

It’s important to plan ahead and pack healthy snacks for the plane and layovers.   Your body is already working hard enough to stay healthy in the crowded dirty places…. Don’t add extra stress to your body by asking her to digest chips and soda.

It only takes  a couple minutes to throw together a couple carry-on snack

Chia Seeds.  These are a must.  They fill you up not to mention super good for you!  Think of flax seeds but on steroids.  At hotels, when the breakfast is limited, add chia seeds to  your coffee and grab a piece of fruit.

Oranges and Peel Fruit:  Apples used to be my go to, but I find oranges are a safer choice.  Like when fruit falls out of your purse and rolls across the airport floor, you can still peel and enjoy J  Also, I find sometimes apples can be hard on a empty stomach.

Nuts and Fruit:  hello.  Talk about perfect carb, fat, protein combination…. And SO simple.





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